Document Signer Certificates

Document Signer Certificates enable you to digitally sign documents in bulk without being human intervention. The Document Signer Certificates are issued for organizational software applications to operate automatically for authenticating/signing documents/information attributed to your organization by the affixed Digital Signature on the documents.

Document Signer Certificates have an additional Object Identifiers (OID) in “Certificate Policies” of the certificate as (2.16.356.100.10.1) to limit the usage of this certificate only in the context of automated signing and also to reflect organizational accountability.

Document Signer Certificate

RajCOMP CA issues Class 2 Document Signer Certificate is in PFX format which can be installed on the server to sign the document automatically.

Key Benefits :-
  • Authentication through affixed signatures
  • Security and privacy of documents ensured
  • Store all files at one place
  • Cost-Efficacy
  • Time-Effective Solution
  • Signing multiple documents in a single click possible
  • Document signing on every page possible
  • Ensures a Paperless Workflow
  • Transparency of the process thereby reducing ill-behavior
Technical Specifications :-
  • Class 2 - .pfx file, portable format
  • Class 3 - .cer file, HSM Based
Use Cases :-
  • Corporate document signing
  • Hotel Chains
  • Banks
  • Invoice signing
  • GST Practitioners
  • UIDAI Servers
  • Data Authentication
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